Teller Report

A device that alerts drivers if they fall asleep while driving

1/15/2021, 10:11:24 PM

The two students from the Emirati school have come up with a smart way to make drivers in a constant state of alert when driving vehicles, by using an alarm machine in case they fall asleep while driving, by issuing certain sounds, to make them alert throughout their journey, which prevents accidents P

It was created by two students from the Emirati school

A device that alerts drivers if they fall asleep while driving

Student Muhammad Abd al-Azim during the presentation of the project in the exhibition "Think Science".

From the source

The two students from the Emirati school have come up with a smart way to make drivers in a constant state of alert when driving vehicles, by using an alarm machine in case they fall asleep while driving, by issuing certain sounds, to make them alert throughout their journey, which prevents accidents On the roads, whether internal or external, due to the sleep of some drivers, especially on highways.

Student Muhammad Abdul-Azim explained the way the machine works to Emirates Today, as it is fastened in a collar around the driver's neck, and it is close to his chin, and if he falls asleep, he tumbles his head, which leads to touching this machine, and in this case the sound sounds Alert.

He stated that he and his colleague Rashid Al-Mahrami completed the project of the alarm device within nearly three months, stressing that they had received great support from the school administration to implement the model of the device, and several experiments were conducted on it, whether in school or while driving the school bus, where the bus driver wore the collar The person equipped with the alarm around his neck, and tried to tilt his head forward and to the sides as if he were falling asleep, so the device made a strong sound, and it clearly proved its effectiveness.

He pointed out that the idea of ​​the project is simple, because he can personally create it, because the tools used in it are available, and easy to install.

Abdel-Azim indicated that they participated in the project in competitions organized by the Ministry of Education, and the innovation was praised by the jury in the competitions.

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