Teller Report

A citizen specializes in 3D printing antiques and games

1/15/2021, 9:10:05 PM

Citizen Ali Muhammad Al-Yili (24 years), from the Emirate of Sharjah, was able to develop his capabilities and skills in 3D printing, until he became a specialist in printing antiques and toys for children, and the flower base, using plastic materials. Al-Yili graduated with a major in Mechanical Engineering

Studied mechanical engineering at «higher technology»

A citizen specializes in 3D printing antiques and games

  • Al-Yili participated in a 3D printing exhibition at the Sharjah Research Complex.

    From the source

  • Ali Muhammad Al-Yili.

    ■ from the source


Citizen Ali Muhammad Al-Yili (24 years), from the Emirate of Sharjah, was able to develop his capabilities and skills in 3D printing, until he became a specialist in printing antiques and toys for children, and the flower base, using plastic materials.

Al-Yili graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering at the Higher Colleges of Technology in Sharjah, last year, and had a hobby in printing and new innovations, as he started in the field of 3D printing during the period of national sterilization, and took advantage of the sitting period at home to develop his abilities in printing, until he had a great skill In drawing things.

He pointed out that he chose to specialize in printing antiques and children's games, as it is a rare specialty in 3D printing, and it will have a great impact on strengthening his CV to get a job and work quickly, indicating that this field may open many doors for him to live in the future, being the whole world He is currently heading to.

He pointed out that he faced some challenges at the beginning of his work in 3D printing, including how to print, the mistakes he faced, his lack of knowledge of companies specialized in this matter in the Emirates, and his lack of enrollment in any course, since the period in which he started was obligated people to sit at home as a precaution to prevent Coronavirus spread.

And he indicated that he learned to print by attending YouTube videos, and after that he was looking for designs, applying them himself, printing them, and reprinting them more than once, stressing that he aspires to open a printing and design company in the field of industries and spare parts in the future.

He stated that he participated in a 3D-printed exhibition at the Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Complex, and his works were well received by all visitors, especially since the accessories and coffee tools that he designed in a simple modern way are comparable to those in the market.


Yili started working in the field of 3D printing during the period of national sterilization.

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