Teller Report

The care time for corona patients has almost halved

1/13/2021, 9:08:53 PM

Wednesday's press conference on the corona situation in Västra Götaland offered some glimmers of light in the corona darkness. Among other things, it was about shorter care periods for corona patients, fewer confirmed cases and about the vaccination that has started. At the same time, the region called on the public to continue to take responsibility as the situation in healthcare is still strained.

In the clip above, Kristine Rygge, vaccination coordinator, talks about how the vaccination is going.

During the press conference, the region announced, among other things, that during week 1, 6,836 new cases of covid-19 were found in Västra Götaland, which is 17 percent less than during week 53 and that the care time for corona patients has almost halved from just under two weeks this spring to one week now .

At the same time, they were careful to emphasize that this does not mean that it is time to relax.

- It is very strained in the hospitals.

We are happy to see a slowdown, but it is too early to say whether we have reached a plateau.

In order for this to continue, it is also required that the spread of infection does not increase and then it is required that everyone takes their responsibility, said Ann Söderström

"Satisfied with how many people want to be vaccinated"

Another point raised at the press conference was the vaccination, which has now begun.

There are 1.7 million citizens in Västra Götaland.

But not everyone should be vaccinated.

Children and adolescents under the age of 18, as well as pregnant women will not be vaccinated.

Exactly how many have received the vaccine will be announced in a couple of weeks.

- We are very satisfied with how many people want to be vaccinated, says Kristine Rygge, vaccination coordinator, VGR.

She further says that she can not answer when everyone will finish their vaccination, which is done in two rounds.

But that most will hopefully be ready by the summer.