Teller Report

Daily 9·11 surpasses… "Requires voice confirmation for passengers to the US"

1/12/2021, 10:49:16 PM

In the United States, statistics show that there are more than 3,000 deaths per day from corona. Given this situation, reports are also coming out from the local area that they plan to request a'corona voice confirmation' from foreigners entering the United States from the end of this month.

<Anchor> In the

United States, statistics show that there are more than 3,000 deaths a day from corona.

Given this situation, reports are also coming out from the local area that they plan to request a'corona voice confirmation' from foreigners entering the United States from the end of this month.

This is Kim Jong-won from New York.


Last week, an average of 3,200 people died per day in the United States from corona.

More than 2,900 people were killed every day than during the 9/11 attacks.

Los Angeles, California, which has suffered a medical collapse due to a shortage of beds, has seen a sharp rise in deaths over the past week, with 1,500 deaths.

[Barbara Ferrer/ LA County Public Health Commissioner: 10 people are diagnosed with corona every minute in LA.

More than 15,000 people a day who are so confirmed are likely to infect nearby people every minute.] In the

meantime, the Wall Street Journal reported that the US government issued a corona negative confirmation to all aircraft passengers entering the United States from overseas starting at the end of this month. Reported that they had decided to ask for it.

They are expanding the regulations in place for passengers on flights departing from the UK where the mutant virus is released to all countries.

Meanwhile, U.S. health officials have announced that the vaccination rate is currently too slow and will increase the number of locations and targets.

Currently, only medical staff and nursing hospital inpatients are vaccinated at hospitals. From now on, anyone over 65 years of age will be able to get the vaccination in places where people can easily access, such as a local pharmacy. 

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