Teller Report

Simplified process and shortened time...Compulsory product certification has a green channel

1/11/2021, 5:28:52 AM

Process simplification, time reduction, cost reduction Compulsory product certification has a green channel (build a new development pattern, pay attention to foreign trade companies to open up the domestic market①)   Our reporter Li Xinping   "People's Daily" (10th edition on January 11, 2021)   For a period of time, the uncertainty and instability of the world economy have increased signific

Process simplification, time reduction, cost reduction

Compulsory product certification has a green channel (build a new development pattern, pay attention to foreign trade companies to open up the domestic market①)

  Our reporter Li Xinping

  "People's Daily" (10th edition on January 11, 2021)

  For a period of time, the uncertainty and instability of the world economy have increased significantly, and the potential of the domestic demand market has been continuously released.

Many foreign trade companies have seized the opportunity and vigorously explored the domestic market. This move is conducive to the realization of diversified development of the company, optimizing the business structure, reducing market risks, and is conducive to building a new development with the domestic cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles mutually promoting pattern.

  This edition will continue to focus on the unremitting efforts of foreign trade companies in the process of exploring the domestic market, and the relevant support policies introduced by various regions and departments, reflecting the vivid practices of relevant parties in actively building a new development pattern.

  This issue focuses on a market access requirement that foreign trade companies encounter when exploring the domestic market-compulsory product certification, and observe the corporate feelings under the new policy.


  Holding the compulsory product certification (CCC certification) certificate, Lin Guanglian, general manager of Guangdong Jiangmen Hanye Electromechanical Manufacturing Co., Ltd., said frankly: "The enterprise is expanding the domestic market while maintaining the continuous growth of foreign trade. Now this journey of development has finally officially begun. Up."

  In recent years, many foreign trade companies have seized the opportunity to explore the domestic market and realize "walking on two legs" in the domestic and international markets. Entering the domestic market must meet the domestic market access requirements, and CCC certification is one of them.

Since 2020, facing the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, deepening the reform of the CCC certification system and simplifying product certification procedures have special significance.

In order to help foreign trade companies achieve "walking on two legs" in the domestic and international markets, the state has introduced relevant measures to simplify CCC certification procedures, shorten processing time, and support export products to enter the domestic market through CCC certification.

How is the current policy implementation?

How does the company feel?

The reporter conducted an interview.

  Products in the catalog can only be shipped and sold after obtaining CCC certification

  As one of the necessary thresholds for many foreign trade companies to develop the domestic market, what is CCC certification?

For export products to enter the domestic market, why do they have to obtain CCC certification first?

  It is understood that the CCC certification system is a conformity assessment system with market access characteristics established in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of our country. The purpose is to protect national security, prevent fraud, protect human health or safety, protect animal and plant life or health, and protect the environment.

According to the "Management Regulations on Compulsory Product Certification", products listed in the CCC certified product catalog must be evaluated to meet the requirements of relevant safety standards and marked with the CCC logo before they can be shipped, sold, imported or used in other business activities.

  In recent years, my country has continuously compressed the CCC certification catalog based on the principle of necessity and minimization.

Since 2018, the CCC certification catalog has been compressed by 40%; the CCC certification of 27 products has been converted from a third-party certification method to a corporate self-declaration, and a total of about 300,000 CCC certification certificates have been reduced.

  "The addition of self-declaration evaluation methods to the CCC certification system will help reduce the cost and time cost of preparations for the company's product listing, but the requirements for product quality and safety have not changed." said Liu Weijun, director of the Certification Supervision Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation, self-declaration Without the guarantee of a third-party organization, the company needs to confirm and promise to have the ability to continuously produce qualified products.

  At present, my country's CCC certified product catalog includes 103 products in 17 categories such as household electrical and electronic products, automobiles, and toys, all of which are directly related to consumers' personal safety.

The electric fans produced by Hanye Electromechanical where Lin Guanglian works are exactly the products in the CCC certified product catalog.

  "The CCC certification process generally includes procedures such as declaration, factory inspection, conformity inspection, and issuance of certificates, and each category of product must be certified separately." Lin Guanglian said that in the past, the entire certification process sometimes took 3 months. Single category product certification The cost ranges from several thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

  "The certification cycle is too long." Qiu Liangsheng, general manager of Huaxing Technology Development Co., Ltd., has a deep understanding of this. "If you want to open up the domestic market, you must obtain CCC certification. For foreign trade companies that lack orders and have high inventory, three Month is too long."

  The average certification cycle is compressed to 20 working days, and certification costs are reduced by 30%

  In September last year, the General Administration of Market Supervision issued a policy to streamline and optimize the CCC certification procedures to help foreign trade companies relieve difficulties.

  Open up a green fast track and streamline certification procedures.

Taking the toy industry as an example, foreign trade companies will no longer be inspected before the issuance of certificates, and companies are allowed to complete type tests before submitting certification entrustment, thus simplifying the certification process.

These measures minimize the process on the basis of ensuring product safety and reliability.

  Accept existing assessment results and reduce certification time.

The conformity assessment results of international certification and testing obtained by export enterprises will be directly accepted.

"We have many export products that have obtained relevant European certifications. This time the country has introduced a new policy to adopt the certification and testing data of authoritative certification bodies at home and abroad, avoiding a lot of repeated testing, and providing us with a lot of convenience." Lin Guanglian said.

  Reasonably reduce certification fees and reduce certification costs.

The State Administration of Market Supervision guides CCC certification designated agencies to open up green channels and reasonably reduce or exempt product CCC certification fees.

"The China Quality Certification Center took the initiative to contact us, and all relevant fees will be waived for the certification links that have already passed the conformity assessment results. The testing fee for plastic toys is reduced to 3,000 yuan, and the cost of electrical toys is reduced to 5,000 yuan." After the product passes the test, it is expected to get the CCC certification within one week."

  Under a series of reform measures, nowadays foreign trade companies want to apply for CCC certification, which links and how long do they need to go through?

  Take the export of household electrical appliances as an example. If the exporting company can provide a valid test report or certification from an accredited body of the International Electrotechnical Commission, only the difference part needs to be tested and certified.

"The inspection time generally does not exceed 10 working days. If the product has passed the inspection, the CCC certification certificate can be obtained within a week." The person in charge of the relevant work of the State Administration of Market Supervision said.

  The data shows that from July 2020 until now, 35 mandatory product certification agencies across the country have served nearly 60 foreign trade companies exploring the domestic market, and issued more than 70 CCC certification certificates. The average certification period does not exceed 20 working days. The certification fee is reduced by about 30%, involving multiple product areas such as home appliances, electronics and toys.

  Lin Guanglian said that the Weikai Certification and Testing Company, which the company cooperates with, actively responded to the call of the government department and opened a green channel for CCC certification for Hanye Electromechanical, reducing some certification and testing costs.

"At present, the certification of Hanye's mechanical and electrical products is proceeding smoothly, and dozens of products are still applying for certification."

  CCC certification system reform needs to be further deepened

  Last year, due to the impact of the epidemic, orders from overseas small and medium-sized customers decreased significantly. Huaxing Technology immediately adjusted its development thinking and increased sales in the domestic market. Currently, its export share accounts for 80% and domestic sales account for 20%.

"The domestic market with strong demand helps companies effectively hedge against the impact of fluctuations in the international market." Looking at the steadily rising sales in the domestic market, Qiu Liangsheng is confident in the company's development prospects.

  Wang Wei, director of the Institute of Market Economy of the Development Research Center of the State Council, said that foreign trade companies seize the opportunity to explore the domestic market and realize the "walking on two legs" of the domestic and international markets, which is conducive to the realization of diversified development, optimization of business structure, and reduction of market risks.

  Next, to help foreign trade companies to better explore the domestic market, relevant government departments need to further provide facilitation measures in terms of market access.

  “In addition, it is also possible to expand the use of self-declaration methods in an orderly manner according to the management level and integrity of the enterprise.” said Cheng Hong, dean of the Quality Development Strategy Institute of Wuhan University. At the same time, government departments should strengthen supervision during and after the event. , Intensify the supervision and inspection of self-declaration products, if violations of laws and regulations are found, comprehensive use of credit supervision and other methods to implement joint punishment to ensure the effectiveness of self-declaration methods.

  In recent years, my country has continuously strengthened its supervision of the certification industry through methods such as "double random and one open".

Relevant departments have begun to establish and improve the punishment mechanism for industry untrustworthiness, disclose the inspection results in a timely manner, publicize punishment information in accordance with the law, strictly enforce punishment measures for dishonesty, and establish an industry withdrawal mechanism.

Through the "blacklist" system, practitioners can not hold the bottom line of false certificates and false reports.

  Looking to the future, foreign trade companies are confident in opening up the domestic market.

"We are very optimistic about the prospects of the domestic market." Lin Guanglian said, "We will seize the opportunity to build a new development pattern and promote enterprises to achieve greater economic and social benefits."