Teller Report

Two new arrests, including Hong Kong police democratic activist Joshua Wong

1/7/2021, 8:48:58 PM

[NHK] On the 6th, Hong Kong police arrested 53 people, including a former member of the legislative council's democracy, and were sentenced to imprisonment by democratic activist Joshua Wong and others ...

Hong Kong police arrested 53 people, including a former member of the legislative council's democracy, on the 6th, and then arrested two new people, including a democratic activist, Joshua Wong, who was sentenced to prison.

Like 53 people, it is suspected of violating the Hong Kong National Security Law, which aimed to overthrow the national government.

Hong Kong police suspected of violating the Hong Kong National Security Law, which cracks down on anti-government movements in connection with the pro-democracy primaries for the legislative council elections scheduled for September last year. Revealed that they had arrested two new people.

According to people familiar with the matter, all of the arrested were democratic activists, Mr. Joshua Wong, who was sentenced to prison last month, and Mr. Tam Tak-Chi, who was indicted and detained in another case.

On the other hand, 53 people who were arrested on the 6th for obstructing the function of the government and aiming to overthrow the national government like the two were released on bail one after another from the night of the 7th to the early morning.

Among them, former legislative council member Chen Zhi, who was released on bail for the first time in about 40 hours, said, "The arrest is totally ridiculous. What we tried to win through the election is the right to be protected by the basic law of Hong Kong's constitution. Is trying to suppress different opinions by all means. "

Regarding this arrest, some pro-Chinese influential people have said that it may be difficult to charge the crime, and the focus will be on whether the former lawmakers will be prosecuted in the future.

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