Teller Report

SD gave up control in Bromölla: "We got stuck"

1/7/2021, 11:29:04 PM

The Sweden Democrats received 29 percent of the votes in Bromölla. And tried to rule in the minority. In the autumn, the party gave up power in the municipality and handed over to the Social Democrats.

- We got stuck, we got a majority against us, not through our policy, says Magnus Persson, deputy group leader for the Sweden Democrats in Bromölla.

29 percent in the election

In Bromölla in northeastern Skåne, the Sweden Democrats got the chairmanship of the municipal board after the last election.

After a year and a half, the party threw in the towel and resigned from the presidency.

The Sweden Democrats ruled themselves, but were with their 29 percent in the election in the minority.

The municipality has poor finances.

Savings have been considered necessary, but the Sweden Democrats did not succeed in creating any collaborations to get a majority for their policy.  

- We did not get through our policy, says Magnus Persson, who is also a member of parliament.

Several left politics

He had to step in and try to control the situation when it crashed last autumn.

Because at the same time as the SD leadership relinquished power, several of the leading representatives also left politics altogether.

The outgoing municipal councilor Eric Berntsson, referred to personal reasons and does not answer when we now try to reach him.

Magnus Persson was also surprised by the dropout. 

- It came as a shock to me and other members, we knew nothing, says Persson.

Villy Nilsson, whom we meet in the square, says that he has no confidence left in the politicians in Bromölla. 

- People voted because they wanted a change in the municipality, and they got it, but unfortunately they got a party that was not mature enough to handle it, says Villy Nilsson.

S regained power

After several months of political stalemate and unsuccessful attempts to form new majorities, it was finally the Social Democrats who once again took over the club as chairman of the municipal board. 

- It was about inexperience, I think, that they did not think about what it could be like to run a municipality.

It is a very big job that I think you do not know until you are in that situation, says Jenny Önnevik, the Social Democrats, who since the turn of the year is municipal councilor in Bromölla. 

The Sweden Democrats do not leave any major political imprints.

The high-profile ban on municipal employees praying during working hours has already been overturned by a court.

But the ban on begging will remain, despite the Social Democrats' opposition. 

- You have to listen to what people say and now there is a ban and we focus instead on the economy and finding stability, says Jenny Önnevik.