Teller Report

Protest against partial opening: application to education administration

1/7/2021, 8:18:58 PM

display Berlin (dpa / bb) - There is protest against the decided partial opening of Berlin schools despite Corona lockdown. According to a report by the Rbb-Abendschau, five grammar schools in Neukölln have appealed to the education administration to extend school-based learning from home at least until January 18, or even better until the end of the month. Everything else is too risky and cannot


Berlin (dpa / bb) - There is protest against the decided partial opening of Berlin schools despite Corona lockdown.

According to a report by the Rbb-Abendschau, five grammar schools in Neukölln have appealed to the education administration to extend school-based learning from home at least until January 18, or even better until the end of the month.

Everything else is too risky and cannot be conveyed, according to the urgent application from the high schools.

A headmistress in Treptow-Köpenick announced that she would not open her facility on Monday.

In the House of Representatives on Thursday at a special session, opinions differed significantly - also within the red-red-green coalition.

According to the will of the Senate, more and more classes should gradually be taught at least partially in schools again during the lockdown.

CDU parliamentary group leader Burkard Dregger demanded in the evening show that the Senate should reverse its decision.

Only with consistent action could the lockdown be shortened and the number of infections pushed down.

He was in favor of “gritting your teeth now” and keeping the schools closed until the end of January.


The Senate decided on Wednesday to extend the lockdown and at the same time announced that lessons in schools should be partially possible again.

According to the education administration, alternate classes are planned for the graduation-relevant years from January 11th, i.e. a combination of classes at school and at home.

The learning groups should be a maximum of half as large as usual.

From January 18, there will be at least three hours of lessons a day in classes 1 to 3 in the school, also in groups that are no more than half the size of the usual.

From January 25th this will be extended to grades 4 to 6 and after the winter holidays from February 8th to all school types and years.

Corona situation in Berlin

Communication of the bid administration dated January 6th