Teller Report

Police warn: Fraudsters are becoming increasingly skilled

1/7/2021, 8:29:09 PM

At the moment, fraud targeting private individuals in Sweden is decreasing. Much is due to the fact that there have been stricter requirements to prove one's identity when shopping online. But both the Swedish police and Interpol expect an upswing in connection with covid vaccine starting to hit the market.

But first to some good news.

We seem to be getting better at seeing through fraud via email and text message.

This, which is often called phishing, increases every year, sometimes a hundred times according to the police.

But despite that, no more crimes are reported.

- This is interesting, states Jan Olsson at the police's national fraud center.

This indicates that we do not open unknown emails and click on different links to the same extent.

Card fraud against private individuals has also decreased significantly.

During the first three quarters of the year, about 30 percent fewer frauds were reported than during the same period last year.

- So there are tens of thousands of frauds that have not been carried out, Jan Olsson explains.

Bank ID protects

Card fraud has simply become more difficult to implement since the EU placed higher demands on banks to increase security for purchases with cards.

- You may notice that you need to use bank ID more often when you shop online.

The police have also not seen an increase in other types of fraud against private individuals.

Which is good in several ways.

- Card fraud is a relatively simple crime, difficult to catch, and has been a gateway to other crime, says Jan Olsson.

Better cheaters

The police still believe that there is a risk of increased fraud in the future.

According to Interpol, organized crime has already begun to exploit the volatile economy and the distribution of vaccines is an area that is particularly vulnerable.

Private individuals are also feared to be exposed.

- The perpetrators will become increasingly good at manipulating you, perhaps with both emails, text messages and phone calls.

It is required that we are still vigilant, says Jan Olsson.

Card fraud against individuals is decreasing.

But hey, you still do not want to be a stick in the statistics.

In the video, you will hear how card fraud is committed, how great the risk is and how you can easily protect yourself.