Teller Report

Kim Byeong-wook with "intern rape" allegedly withdrawing from the people's power

1/7/2021, 11:58:58 PM

Rep. Kim Byung-wook, the power of the people who raised suspicion of sexual assault, declared withdrawal. He revealed his innocence and said he would come back, but the party leadership drew a line that there was no prior coordination on withdrawal.


Rep. Kim Byung-wook, the power of the people who alleged sexual assault, declared withdrawal.

He revealed his innocence and said he would come back, but the party leadership drew a line that there was no prior coordination on withdrawal.

This is reporter Baek Woon.


"The power of the people, Rep. Kim Byung-wook raped an intern in another parliamentary room at a hotel in Andong, Gyeongbuk, when he was an assistant to the National Assembly in 2018," the YouTube channel Garrosero Research Institute claimed on the broadcast on the 6th.

Shortly after the broadcast, Congressman Kim refuted, saying, "It's not at all true," and saying, "The disgusting people are angry at the reality that pollutes Korea in the name of broadcasting.

Strong legal action was also announced, but yesterday it was declared abruptly withdrawal.

In his position, Congressman Kim said, "I will withdraw from the party in order not to burden the party," and "I will return after revealing my innocence."

He repeatedly denied that the truth of the allegations was completely untrue.

The People's Strength Emergency Response Committee convened an emergency meeting to discuss the case of Congressman Kim and canceled it when news of withdrawal came.

Chairman Kim Jong-in said it was his own decision.

[Kim Jong-in/People's Strength Emergency Countermeasure Committee Chairman: I think it's going to be a burden on the party, so I think I've left myself.]

The multiple members of the People's Power of the Forces said, "Chairman Kim also agreed with the proposals of the large members that they should take preemptive measures such as exit or expulsion," and pointed out the background of the withdrawal, saying, "Isn't these things working comprehensively."