Teller Report

Gargash: Resumption of trade and travel with Qatar within a week

1/7/2021, 10:10:35 PM

The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Anwar bin Muhammad Gargash, said yesterday that trade and movement may resume with Qatar within a week, according to the Al-Ula agreement, but indicated that the resumption of diplomatic relations requires more time. The return of the

Gargash: Resumption of trade and travel with Qatar within a week

The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Anwar bin Muhammad Gargash, said yesterday that trade and movement may resume with Qatar within a week, according to the Al-Ula agreement, but he indicated that the resumption of diplomatic relations requires more time.

"The return of movement between countries and trade according to the Al-Ula agreement will be within a week of the signing of the agreement ... the crisis cannot be permanent," Gargash said in a press conference.

He added that the measures that will be applied within a week of the agreement "include practical measures related to airlines, shipping and trade."

Gargash stressed that the UAE supported the path of reconciliation, although dealing with thorny issues such as Qatar’s relationship with Iran and Turkey’s presence in the Gulf will require time.

He said that building confidence and dealing with difficult geopolitical files represent two long-term tasks, but there is a desire to quickly restore the basic ties. "Some issues are easier to fix, and others will take a longer period," adding that bilateral working groups will try to move things.

"We have a very good start," he stressed.

"We have overcome the most important thing, and there is regional and global relief to end the crisis, which is viewed as one in contrast to the one house," Gargash said.

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