Teller Report

Gargash: Resumption of trade and travel with Qatar within a week

1/7/2021, 8:08:58 PM

The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Anwar bin Muhammad Gargash said today that the boycotting countries of Qatar may resume trade and movement with it within a week according to an agreement brokered by the United States, but he indicated that the resumption of diplomatic relations requires more time until it works

Gargash: Resumption of trade and travel with Qatar within a week

The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Anwar bin Muhammad Gargash said today that the boycotting countries may resume trade and movement with it within a week under an agreement brokered by the United States, but he indicated that the resumption of diplomatic relations requires more time while the parties work to rebuild confidence .

"The return of movement between countries and trade according to the Al-Ula Agreement will be within a week of the signing of the agreement," Gargash said in a video conference.

He added that the measures that will be applied within a week of the agreement "include practical measures related to airlines, shipping and trade."

But he indicated that other issues, such as resuming full diplomatic relations, would take time due to the continuing existence of aspects of disagreement, including geopolitical issues such as Iran, Turkey and "political Islam groups."

"Some issues are easier to fix and others will take longer," he said, adding that the bilateral working groups will try to move things.

"We have a very good start ... but we have problems related to rebuilding trust," he added.

Gargash said that the main problem with regard to Turkey and Iran is interference in Arab sovereignty and interests, and that bridging the Gulf rift would promote more "collective agreement on geostrategic issues" despite the differences in approach.

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