Teller Report

Fabian Hambüchen: "At that moment there was a crack in the knee"

1/7/2021, 11:59:21 PM

Fabian Hambüchen had many painful experiences in his gymnastics career. But he never injured himself as severely as in Luck Mockridge's show “Catch”: “A dull pain. It was immediately clear to me that something had gone wrong. "


Fabian Hambüchen's start into the new year was not quite as lively as hoped: The 2016 high bar Olympic champion went on crutches until Wednesday, does more rehabilitation than sports plans and will have to deal with his injuries for quite a while.

The mishap happened when the television show “Catch!

The German Championship in Catching 2021 "in early December, as" Bild "now reports.

The show will be presented on Sat.1 on three Fridays from January 8th.

Moderator Luke Mockridge fights against several teams in various catching disciplines for victory.

Hambüchen right in the middle.

The 33-year-old, who ended his career in 2016 after winning the gold in Rio, showed full commitment - but things went really wrong: cruciate ligament tear, inner meniscus and lateral ligament injury.

"There was a dull pain"


The accident was a series of various incorrect movements, as he says.

“I jumped over a pole and wanted to keep running when I hit it.

Unfortunately, I jumped off on the wrong leg, which is why the thigh shifted against the lower leg when I landed - and the knee was the painful element, "says Hambüchen.

“I felt a dull pain, that rattled a lot.

It was immediately clear to me that something had gone wrong. "

Hambüchen was operated on by a specialist in Plattling / Lower Bavaria only a little later.

Because of the ligament injury, the matter is a little longer.

Since he is now off the crutches, he can intensify the rehab from now on.

Hambüchen would not be Hambüchen if he hadn't been training again long ago.

Just not in the way he had actually planned.

Not on the horizontal bar, certainly not, after all he has left gymnastics as an active player and even Hambüchen would not dare to land with such an injury.

Hambüchen's competition plans have to wait


But he discovered Crossfit as a new hobby and a great passion, up until the accident he sometimes even trained twice a day if his other obligations allowed it - work as a gymnast, lecturer and appointments for sponsors.

Hambüchen completed his bachelor's degree in "Sport and Performance".

And since he has big plans in Crossfit, first of all to push his own limits in a new sport and then to get a place on the team in his box for the Fitness Bundesliga, he is training now too.

According to his coach's plans, especially the upper body as well as mobility and flexibility.

As good as it can be.

But he now needs patience for his competition plans.

"The injury is a setback," says Hambüchen, "I need the year to fight my way back." But that he can do exactly that, that he can deal with setbacks and injuries, he has proven often enough in his gymnastics career .

Does he regret the show appearance?

"No, something like that happens."

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