Teller Report

The coach of the Russian national team explained why Chervotkin and Belov collided at the Tour de Ski

1/4/2021, 11:31:09 AM

The coach of the Russian national skiing team Yuri Borodavko expressed his opinion about the collision between Alexey Chervotkin and Evgeny Belov during the race with a common start at the second stage of the Tour de Ski in Switzerland.

“Athletes of one team, instead of standing on the podium with Bolshunov, created so many problems for themselves, ruining the race.

Now everyone continues to discuss who is to blame: Chervotkin, who was behind, or Belov, who rode in front of him, but clearly saw Alexei's skis and, thus, put his head into the mousetrap, which slammed shut.

For me, all this is from the series "Nobody wanted to give in."

I see neither right nor guilty - both are good: each was looking for his own path to victory, but in the end he punished himself.

It is no coincidence that foreigners long ago came up with a saying: "As long as the Russians sort it out among themselves, we are invincible," said Borodavko RT.

Earlier, Borodavko said that the World Cup for Alexander Bolshunov is more significant than the Tour de Ski.

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