Teller Report

Luis Suárez is exceeding the best expectations

1/4/2021, 11:18:46 AM

Outstanding: Luis Suárez The best individual performance of the day was perhaps that of Bryan Gil, protagonist in this section a few dates ago. But the iconic gesture of the end

  • Chronicle: Luis Suárez's wild card saves Atlético in Vitoria

Outstanding: Luis Suárez

The best individual performance of the day was perhaps that of Bryan Gil, protagonist in this section a few dates ago.

But the iconic gesture of the weekend was the celebration in pineapple by the Atlético de Madrid players after the winning goal in Vitoria.

It sounded like they were aware that leagues are won in those fields.

Cholo's have lost some brilliance lately.

Against Alavés, they encountered an unexpected accident in another of those c

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