Teller Report

Lose weight through exercise: If you want to lose fat, you should run on an empty stomach

1/4/2021, 10:49:50 AM

Get out of bed and into your running shoes. Sober runs are the trend. Sports doctor and running expert Matthias Marquardt has a clear recommendation for the general public. And gives tips on what you should still eat before running.


It is said that one should run rather slowly in the morning sober.

What intensity do you recommend?

Matthias Marquardt:

If you want to optimize your fat metabolism, you should run really slowly.

If I run too fast, I need sugar for fuel because it can provide more energy more quickly.

I can only keep burning fat when I go slowly.


Let's talk briefly about a hobby runner who is preparing for a marathon, for example. What does the sober run bring him?