Teller Report

"He got involved in a risky story": Fetisov on Larionov's work in the Russian youth team at the MFM and the absence of a system

1/4/2021, 1:58:34 PM

The Russian national team can win the youth world championship, which is being held in Canada. This was stated by the two-time Olympic champion Vyacheslav Fetisov. However, this victory, according to him, will not have a positive impact on the development of hockey in the country. The deputy of the State Duma believes that the domestic lacks consistency and professionals. The expert also shared his opinion on the work of the head coach of the national national team Igor Larionov and stressed that the specialist "got involved in a risky story."

- Why does the Russian youth team play so badly with teams that preach defensive hockey?

- First of all, everyone defends against us all their lives.

I can say this both as a former hockey player and as a coach.

It also has to do with the training of athletes, philosophy and who runs our hockey today.

Maybe it's worth starting from this?

- But with Germany, Russia played many matches at the MFM and looked much more confident.

- I only know that professionals need to return to hockey.

None of the countries with which we compete have people who came to hockey from the outside.

I treat them well, but let them do what is inherent in them.

And hockey is a specific topic.

It has enough nuances that some have gone through on their own.

We can return to the same thing every time, because today the sport has come under the control of people who do not understand anything about it.

And this is a topic that requires serious discussion.

- When you look at the youth team, do you see, at least in some way, Igor Larionov's hand?

- And what does it mean?

- Some of his influence on the team.

- You cannot influence the team with which you interact for only two or three weeks.

Now he is working with young guys who will return to their clubs immediately after the MFM and will obey different rules.

We don't have a system.

Leading the youth team, Larionov got involved in a risky story, in fact.

Personally, I don't understand why he fit into it.

Trying to change what is happening at 60 is a big challenge.

In fact, youth hockey is either a stable system that you have nothing to do with, and Larionov has nothing to do with it, or an opportunity to use your talent and resource.

But he cannot give anything new to these guys who have been brought up in a special way.

Again, this is a topic that requires a systematic approach.

Of course, Larionov can tune his charges into a particular game, but in general, this is not his topic.

We all want to wish Igor good luck.

He can become a national hero if the youth team wins the MFM, but he can also turn into an enemy.

- When you see Larionov, do you discuss this topic with him?

- I communicate with Igor.

I told him directly: “I don’t understand why you need this, a man who made his debut as a coach at the age of 60”.

In fact, this is a serious challenge.

Recently I congratulated Larionov on his birthday and said: “Igor, hear me.

Everything that you tell them, everything that happens to them next, is about nothing at all ... The guys will return to their clubs, where there are other coaches and different areas of work.

But he said that he knows everything and can. "

We can only wish him good luck.

I communicate with him and with other people associated with hockey who remain in my life.

- Do you yourself watch the MFM matches?

- No.

Maybe I'll watch the game with Canada.

I'm not crazy to watch hockey at night, which I have nothing to do with.

I don't feel any nostalgia.

My main topic now is ecology, the future of humanity.

Sport has moved to the tenth plan.

You have to be completely crazy to get up at 5 am and watch the match Russia - Germany.

- The most boring match I've ever seen was the 2018 Olympic final with the same teams ...

- By the way, we watched that game together with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

It turns out that our support helped the guys.

And Nikita Gusev, despite the entire system that rejected him, scored a double in the final.

CSKA supported Nikita then, whose president I was.

But this is revenge, which did not benefit our hockey, but only supported those people who broke into it.

This is a demonic story, and I treat it in a special way.

To be on the verge of losing to the Germans in the final of the Olympic Games, which at that time turned out to be of no use to anyone ... Although I then supported the guys, because they were not to blame for the fact that no one came to Pyeongchang.

But certain people have the opportunity to steer further.

- Canada is constantly showing offensive hockey.

After all, they cannot fail to see that the Russian national team is experiencing problems in matches with teams acting on the defensive.

Are the hosts theoretically able to bet on such a game?

- I can say this: the Russian team is able to win the MFM, but this will not change my attitude to what is happening in our hockey, in particular, in children's.

Our children today are forced to pay coaches from four to six thousand rubles each time for some incomprehensible rolling.

And a victory in Canada will only preserve places in Russian hockey for those who are now destroying its system, one more step will be taken back.

So for me it's a twofold story.

We win - everyone will be happy.

If they lose, we will worry.

Here in Canada and the United States there is a system, and they do not depend on either the leadership or anyone.

It was created, works and helps many guys to play.

In Russia, on a huge territory, it can be difficult for us to gather 20 people.

Compare this with the relatively small Finland and Sweden, where the right work creates a lot more high-class hockey players.

And there parents do not pay money for unnecessary rolling.

- Can you single out at least someone from the hockey players of the Russian national team?

- Again, I do not watch the MFM. I'm not interested in this. I don't even know anyone in the KHL. I don't care because it doesn't concern me. I was told that I do not understand anything about hockey and sports. If so, what should I do there? Thank God there is something to do in life.