Teller Report

Make-up examinations start next week

1/3/2021, 11:11:05 PM

The Ministry of Education stated that students from grades four to eleven will take the make-up examinations that start next week, electronically, remotely "from home". As for students of the twelfth grade, the exams will be held in schools in the committees that held n-exams.

It is performed remotely for grades four through eleven

Make-up examinations start next week

The Ministry of Education stated that students from grades four to eleven will take the make-up examinations that start next week, electronically, remotely "from home." As for students of the twelfth grade, exams will be held in schools in the committees that held the end-of-term exams.

In a circular issued recently, the Ministry indicated that twelfth grade students registered in private schools will sit for make-up examinations in government public education schools in which they sat for the end-of-term examinations.

She indicated that the results of the first semester are currently available on her website, via the link, while printing the semester grades card will be after completing the make-up exams. , Indicating that the score card will be issued in letters, and the weight of each letter will be indicated (the degree to which each letter refers).

The ministry explained that the letter (F) indicates that the student has not achieved the minor end in the subject, while the symbol (**) in the grades report means that the student has a missing or unaccredited degree, and then the student contacts the school administration to find out.

The ministry confirmed that the door will not be opened for submitting applications for grade review, and instead students will be given the opportunity to improve their results during the make-up exam period, noting that the make-up examinations will be held from January 10 to January 14.

The Ministry affirmed that the make-up exams are mandatory for all students absent with an acceptable excuse from the first semester exam, students who faced technical failures and were unable to implement or finish the basic exam, and for eleventh grade students for the general and application tracks of the English language writing exam, while it is optional for students who wish In improving their grades in group (A) subjects for grades four through twelve.

Parents of twelfth grade students asserted that their children's results in the first semester exams are not representative of their academic levels, and that it came below these levels.

Ali Al Yammahi, Yasmine Saber, and Kholoud Taha, parents of students, told "Emirates Today" that their children are among the first students in their classes and schools. Nevertheless, we were surprised that they failed in a number of subjects, although the students were happy with the level of exam questions in The first semester, except for the mathematics subject that included difficult questions.

They added that the twelfth grade student (high school) lives in a state of nervous tension throughout the school year, because he knows that this year is fateful and determines his academic future, and when he is surprised that his evaluation of this effort and the state in which he lives from turmoil and anticipation is a "failure" in Articles, and low scores in other subjects, this will have a negative impact on it.

Student Mohsen Al-Jasmi said: “I did not expect to fail in subjects that I found studying and answered in her exams, and I was very reassured that my grade in it would not fall below (A), and this did not happen to me only, but with other students whose academic levels are high, and they are among the first students.

He added that retaking the exams again to improve the grades will require additional effort from the student, and therefore it is better to review the correction of previous examination papers again.

Interactive classes

The first day of resuming studies in the second semester witnessed regularity rates ranging between 90 and 95% in public and private schools, whether in virtual or hybrid education.

School principals confirmed that the students received interactive lessons on the first day, noting that they worked on developing programs and enrichment plans that would raise students ’academic achievement.

Parents: Our children's exam results do not reflect their academic levels.

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