Teller Report

Luisa Neubauer: "I myself experienced incredible aggression on the part of the police"

1/3/2021, 6:28:39 PM

Activist Luisa Neubauer believes 2021 will be a decisive year in the fight against climate change. She announces further civil disobedience. There are situations in which the injustice is so great that one cannot obey the law.


In an interview with the Swiss newspaper “Blick”, the German climate activist Luisa Neubauer called for significant progress in climate protection.

"We cannot afford another year in which we do not act effectively and consistently," said Neubauer.

Australia is on fire again and hardly anyone is looking, explained the 24-year-old.

Fridays for Future will remain a peaceful movement despite various forms of action.

When asked about riots against police officers - such as in the Dannenröder Forest or the Hambach Forest - Neubauer emphasized the personal responsibility of each individual.

“There would be no big movement if everyone went home as soon as an individual did something rash,” said Neubauer.

It is also difficult to understand from the outside what is happening on site.

“At Danni I myself experienced the incredible aggression on the part of the police.

But we always have to ask ourselves how we can prevent violence from our side and create a consensus for action. ”There are“ exceptional situations in which the prevailing injustice is so great that rules and laws cannot be adhered to ”.

When such actions are legitimate is always a question of context.


But Neubauer also reports internal differences.

“We have internal conflicts.

They exist in every thing we do, in every action and in every strategic decision that we make together or not, ”says Neubauer.