Teller Report

Wartko appreciated the result of Bolshunov in the sprint at the Tour de Ski

1/1/2021, 1:48:45 PM

Yuri Borodavko, senior coach of the Russian national cross-country skiing team, commented on the second place of Alexander Bolshunov in the sprint race at the Tour de Ski.

“For Bolshunov, second place is a good and worthy result in any case.

He lost only to Pellegrino, showed a good fight at the finish, but he lacked a little, the gap was too big.

Since the Tour de Ski is a long competition, and today is only the first day, I think this is a fairly good start for the future.

It has been a long time since we had three athletes running in the final, and this is really great.

The fourth and fifth places of the Retivykh and Maltsev are also a worthy result.

Considering that Artyom was running in the second semi-final, he did not have time to recover a little, ”Sport24 quotes Borodavko.

Earlier it was reported that Bolshunov became the second in the sprint at the first stage of the Tour de Ski.

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