Teller Report

Piteå defender to Sevilla

12/29/2020, 9:43:42 PM

Sejde Abrahamsson joins Julia Karlernäs in the Spanish football club Sevilla. The 22-year-old defender started in 19 of the table song Piteås 22 matches this season and has signed a short-term contract until this summer, the La Liga team writes on its website. Karlernäs was ready for Sevilla a couple of weeks ago and now Abrahamsson is the next Swedish addition to the squad for the midfield. KLIPP: Hear Piteå IF's chairman's demands on the football association - equal pay

The 22-year-old defender started in 19 of the table song Piteås 22 matches this season and has signed a short-term contract until this summer, the La Liga team writes on its website.

Karlernäs was ready for Sevilla a couple of weeks ago and now Abrahamsson is the next Swedish addition to the squad for the midfield.

KLIPP: Hear Piteå IF's chairman's demands on the football association - equal pay for the men's and women's national team (09 December 2020)

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A review revealed that the women's national team received 24 percent of what the men received in compensation. Photo: SVT Archive.