Teller Report

Neymar raises controversy with a wild party invited by 500 people

12/29/2020, 9:44:22 AM

Brazilian star Neymar has made headlines again, not for his creativity in football stadiums, but because of reports that the French Paris Saint-Germain striker is hosting a huge New Year's Eve party despite restrictions imposed in Brazil due to the outbreak of the new Corona virus, allegations denied by a lawyer

Neymar raises controversy with a wild party invited by 500 people

Brazilian star Neymar has made headlines again not for his creativity in football stadiums, but because of reports that the French Paris Saint-Germain striker is hosting a huge New Year's Eve party despite restrictions imposed in Brazil due to the outbreak of the new Corona virus, allegations denied by his lawyers.

Aselmo Guich, a journalist for the Brazilian newspaper O Globo, wrote that the Paris Saint-Germain striker is hosting 500 people for a week-long party in his luxury villa on the seaside near Rio de Janeiro, which began days ago and continues until New Year's Day.

Gwish claimed that Neymar, who had previously stirred controversy over his wild parties, had installed soundproofing equipment in an attempt to avoid harassing his neighbors.

And he was not the only one who revealed Neymar's concert, but Leo Dias, a journalist for the "Metropolis" website known for his articles about celebrities, named the artists who will perform at the party of the former Barcelona star, including Lyudmila and Wesley Savadau.

The security men at Villa Neymar allegedly confiscated the guests' cell phones at the door to prevent any evidence of the party from reaching social media.

Brazil suffered from the second largest number of deaths in the world as a result of the "Covid-19" virus, as the number exceeded 191,000 people out of 7.4 million infections.

The "Agencia Fabrica" ​​company, specialized in organizing parties, issued a statement confirming that it had been contacted to organize a New Year's Eve party in the Costa Verde area where Villa Neymar is located, with respect to all health rules set by public bodies.

However, Neymar's lawyers denied that a party was planned or that the event organized by "Agencia Fabrica" ​​is related to the soccer star, and they told (AFP) "No! This is a Fabrika event. It has nothing to do with Neymar."

Villa Neymar is located in Mangaratiba, a small town with luxurious seaside resorts in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

The city council has appealed to the 41,000 residents not to hold New Year's parties, and have set up barriers to prevent people from gathering.

"We do not have any information about this party," the city council said in a statement sent to Agence France-Presse.

Neymar, who has been absent from Saint-Germain since December 13 due to an ankle injury he suffered in front of Lyon in the French League, did not comment on the news of the party, and in the past few days he only posted photos of his family on social media without comment.

Villa Neymar is located on a plot of 10 thousand square meters, and includes a helipad, sports fields, a spa, a sauna, a massage parlor, a gymnasium, in addition to places to eat.

There, Neymar spent his time in the past while recovering from injuries, and he was there from March to June when the "Covid-19" virus hit France fiercely, which led to the suspension of professional football and then to the cancellation of the league and the crowning of Saint-Germain with the title.

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