Teller Report

Holding a party of 500 people in violation of epidemic prevention regulations? Neymar denies: only 150 people participated

12/29/2020, 6:14:16 AM

Data map: On the evening of September 2, Beijing time, the French Ligue 1 team Paris Saint-Germain officially announced that three players had tested positive for the new crown. According to French media reports, the three are Neymar, Di Maria and Paredes. The picture shows Neymar in the game.   China News Service, December 29. A few days ago, foreign media reported that Brazilian star Neymar wil

Data map: On the evening of September 2, Beijing time, the French Ligue 1 team Paris Saint-Germain officially announced that three players had tested positive for the new crown.

According to French media reports, the three are Neymar, Di Maria and Paredes.

The picture shows Neymar in the game.

  China News Service, December 29. A few days ago, foreign media reported that Brazilian star Neymar will hold a large party in Rio de Janeiro. 500 people will have a five-day carnival. The party will last until January 1st of the New Year.

However, the party organizer denied the news and stated that only 150 people attended the party.

  It is reported that after the media revealed Neymar’s plan to hold a party of 500 people, the Brazilian star was criticized by fans under the background of the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

The party organizer subsequently stated that the number of guests was not 500, but 150, and said in a statement: “The event will comply with local public health regulations.” The organizer also stated that this is a private party and has received relevant information. Permissions.

  It is worth mentioning that Neymar organizes grand parties on birthdays and important holidays.

New Year's Eve in 2019 and his 28th birthday party have sparked heated discussions.

  After the end of the Champions League final in September this year, Neymar and his teammates also held a party carnival during their vacation. Soon after, Neymar was diagnosed with the new crown virus and did not resume training until mid-September.


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