Teller Report

Finnish star nobs Tour de Ski

12/29/2020, 2:03:59 PM

Finnish cross-country star Iivo Niskanen is rebid for the Tour de Ski. Teammate Ristomatti Hakola is also in charge of the tour, which begins on New Year's Day. - I decided to continue focusing on the season's main goal, the World Cup, and do not want to take any risks, says Iivo Niskanen.

Niskanen has previously nobbed the tour during championship years, but had still intended to run this year's edition.

- We considered it all from different angles.

There are certainly as many pluses as minuses.

The starting point is that you must feel safe and be prepared to complete the tour, says Iivo Niskanen in a press release from the Finnish Ski Association.

- There would have been conditions for success, but at the same time the health risks are there as well, he continues.

Hakola ur slag

Teammate Ristomatti Hakola is also in charge of the tour.

- I'm not in shape.

It is always a tough decision to make, but given the situation in the world, you have to realize the facts when you have flu symptoms.

It's not about something more dramatic than that, he says.

The Tour de Ski runs from 1-10 January in Switzerland and Italy.