Teller Report

Breakdancing "into the Olympics" Wenzhou hip-hop girls initiating Olympic

12/29/2020, 2:55:01 PM

  [Explanation] Recently, the news that the breakdancing event will be set up for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games has become a topic of discussion on the Internet. The reporter came to Ningbo, Zhejiang Province to interview Zeng Yingying, a high-level break dancer in China. She told reporters that when she first came into contact with street dance 8 years ago, she had never thought that it would beco

  [Explanation] Recently, the news that the breakdancing event will be set up for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games has become a topic of discussion on the Internet.

The reporter came to Ningbo, Zhejiang Province to interview Zeng Yingying, a high-level break dancer in China.

She told reporters that when she first came into contact with street dance 8 years ago, she had never thought that it would become an Olympic event. From the initial disapproval to support, her parents felt that dance practice has a higher goal.

  [Concurrent] Zeng Yingying, member of Ningbo Street Dance Team

  (Parents) They were not very supportive at the beginning, because I was a physical education major and I could take the exam as a physical education teacher. They hoped that I would become a physical education teacher, and I had some results later, and then they saw that I insisted on doing this. For many years, it seems that I really like it, and then they support me.

  [Explanation] Street dance Breaking originated in the United States in the 1970s. It is a skillful street dance style based on personal style.

Introduced to China, it is translated as breakdancing. With a large number of hand-supported fast foot movements, various inverted freeze-frame movements, and unimaginable high-difficulty rotation on the floor or in the air, the dance is full of visual impact and is very ornamental and challenging.

Zeng Yingying said that breakdance originated in the United States, and China has generally come into contact with and developed relatively late, but it has developed rapidly in recent years. Breakdancing challenges are difficult, and the diversified judgment criteria are very competitive.

  [Concurrent] Zeng Yingying, member of Ningbo Street Dance Team

  Its criteria are judged from many aspects, such as musicality, creativity, difficulty, fluency, etc. The difficulty is that it still has many movements that need to be supported by two hands and the body keeps rotating.

  [Commentary] Zeng Yingying introduced that she has liked all kinds of sports since she was a child: track and field, basketball, swimming, etc., she specialized in hurdles and triple jump in high school, and was attracted by hip-hop when she graduated from high school. In the following years, she loved it deeply. In this sport, I go to various places to compete while practicing.

In November of this year, she became the first athlete of the Ningbo Street Dance Team, and she is more able to focus on training and competition than before.

  [Concurrent] Zeng Yingying, member of Ningbo Street Dance Team

  My current practice is physical training every morning. For example, I will practice upper body strength this morning, that is, I will practice some bench presses, and some others, and then I will do some special dance training in the afternoon. At night, I have some shoulder injuries. Do some acupuncture or relax your shoulders.

  [Explanation] Zeng Yingying admitted that there are little-known deeds behind this seemingly cool sport. Every joint on her body has been injured, some of which are repeated. Recently, she has also had injuries on her shoulders, and this sport is a minority. And loneliness is even more unimaginable.

  [Concurrent] Zeng Yingying, member of Ningbo Street Dance Team

  The friend who took me to dance at the beginning, he stopped jumping a long time ago. He got a job as soon as he graduated from college and started working in the company. Then some of them worked hard together for many years, and finally he went to open. There are a lot of people in the dance studio or other professions. There are no friends who jumped down together before my age. Like the people who practice together, they may be 5, 6, or 7 years younger than me. .

  [Explanation] It is such a love of dance that enabled the 27-year-old Zeng Yingying to represent China in the first women's break dance competition of the World City Games.

From 2019 to 2020, she has won many championships and runners-up awards.

Zeng Yingying said that next she hopes to integrate breakdancing and Chinese culture, so that the elements of Chinese Kung Fu can be incorporated into the dance.

  [Concurrent] Zeng Yingying, member of Ningbo Street Dance Team

  It can integrate well with our Chinese culture, and then express Chinese culture in our breakdancing. For example, Chinese Kungfu can be integrated into our breakdancing. In the process of dancing, do something. Elements of Chinese Kung Fu.

  [Explanation] In the chat, Zeng Yingying said that in the past few years, it has been obvious that more and more people are practicing hip-hop and break dancing, especially for children. Many parents' ideas have also changed significantly.

She believes that the prospects of breakdancing will get better and better. Her dream now is to work hard to enter the national team and participate in the Olympics.

  [Concurrent] Zeng Yingying, member of Ningbo Street Dance Team

  I feel that age is not a problem, as long as you have always had that passion for dancing.

In recent years, I just wanted to enter the national team through hard work and strive to participate in the Olympics. This is my idea in recent years.

  Shen Yishan, Zhou Sun Yu reports from Ningbo, Zhejiang

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]