Teller Report

Vendée Globe: what did the skippers receive for Christmas?

12/25/2020, 11:24:56 AM

The Vendée Globe skippers, currently in the middle of the Pacific or the Indian Ocean, spend the holidays far from their loved ones but have all the same received a few gifts. Food, hobbies or warm clothes: Europe 1 asked the families of the sailors what they got for Christmas.

The Vendée Globe skippers, currently in the middle of the Pacific or the Indian Ocean, spend the holidays far from their loved ones but have all the same received a few gifts.

Food, hobbies or warm clothes: Europe 1 asked the families of the sailors what they got for Christmas.

This year, the Vendée Globe skippers had to draw the line on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.

But, even alone on their boat, they have not been forgotten by their relatives and their teams.

They have a few surprises in store for them, hidden on board or in their daily food bag.


 - How do Vendée Globe sailors celebrate Christmas?

"I prepared a 'special cold weather' kit with full pajamas in pilou pilou and then down mountaineering slippers and a balaclava, also in pilou pilou, which protects her neck", explains Aurélia, the companion. from browser Alan Roura.

She has planned useful gifts and notably reveals the outfit of the South Seas that she has chosen for him.

"It was the little nod to keep him nice and warm at least that night."

For his part, Alan Roura, young dad of a little Billie aged five months, will no doubt be moved to see his daughter with her first Christmas present.

Spend time on board

Tanguy Le Turquais, newly married to skipper Clarisse Cremer, is living a first Christmas from a distance.

A navigator himself, he thought of a useful gift to pass the time on board: "I gave him a Rubik's Cube", he says.

"There is a lot of food, chocolates, candies, USB drives with music and movies and, of course, lots of pictures of friends and family."

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Yannick Bestaven, a big fan of rugby, for his part found in his sock two tickets for the final of the Top 14. Consolidating his place as leader would already be a beautiful Christmas present.