Teller Report

Shocking surprise in the list of the 50 best boxers in history

12/25/2020, 2:03:58 PM

The list of the 50 best boxers in history, published by the specialized boxing magazine "The Bogelist", and regarding the choices of fans of the game "Noble Art", revealed big surprises in the ranking of the big names in the history of the game. Perhaps the shocking surprise is the choice of the famous American superstar Sugar Ray Robin

Shocking surprise in the list of the 50 best boxers in history

The list of the 50 best boxers in history, published by the specialized boxing magazine "The Bogelist", and regarding the choices of fans of the game "Noble Art", revealed big surprises in the ranking of the big names in the history of the game.

Perhaps the shocking surprise is the selection of the famous American star Sugar Ray Robinson, in the first place ahead of the most famous boxer in history, the American Muhammad Ali.

On the other hand, Filipino boxer Manny Pacayao won the title of the most active boxer, and finished in the 11th place, while his American rival Floyd Mayweather came in the 39th place. And in the first ten places, one of the most famous boxers in history, American Mike Tyson, was absent, as he ranked 49th, while he attended Britain's Joe Lewis in fifth place, Henry Armstrong fourth, Willie Bibb sixth, the Langford Medal seventh, then Jack Johnson in eighth place, Roberto Doran of the month in ninth place, while Sugar Ray Leonard tenth.

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