Teller Report

Legendary goalkeeper of Paraguay announced he was elected as the world's best goalkeeper 3 times for president

12/25/2020, 9:03:47 AM

  Chinanews, December 25th. Recently, the legendary Paraguayan goalkeeper Chilavert posted a poster on his social media account, officially announcing his participation in the 2023 presidential election in Paraguay. Image source: Chilavert Social Account   The 55-year-old Chilavert was a goalkeeper with excellent positioning kicks. He scored 67 goals in his career and scored 8 goals in 74 appea

  Chinanews, December 25th. Recently, the legendary Paraguayan goalkeeper Chilavert posted a poster on his social media account, officially announcing his participation in the 2023 presidential election in Paraguay.

Image source: Chilavert Social Account

  The 55-year-old Chilavert was a goalkeeper with excellent positioning kicks. He scored 67 goals in his career and scored 8 goals in 74 appearances for the Paraguay national team.

  Chilavert started his career as a professional player in Lugno, Paraguay in 1980, and has been active on the green field for 20 years.

He was elected the best player in South America in 1996.

Before joining Sasfield, Chilavert played for San Lorenzo in Argentina and Zaragoza in Spain, and announced his retirement in 2004.

  In the 1999 Argentine First Division, Sarsfield beat Oersted 6-1, Chilavert scored a penalty kick three times, staged a hat trick as a goalkeeper, and became the first goalkeeper to complete a hat trick.

  As a famous "madman goalkeeper" in football, Chilavert has scored 67 goals in his career. He was named the "World's Best Goalkeeper" by FIFA 3 times in 1995, 1997 and 1998, and was selected for 6 consecutive years. "The best team in South America", was selected as a "list of the top 100 football stars in football history" by "World Football" magazine.

  According to South American media reports, due to his poverty, Chilavert has always been very concerned about the lives of the poor. Therefore, he hopes to make changes by running for the president and is determined to rebuild Paraguay after he is elected.
