Teller Report

Haaland sixth when the world's best football player was listed

12/25/2020, 10:25:29 AM

The British newspaper The Guardian has listed the 100 best male football players in 2020. The 20-year-old Norwegian forward Erling Braut Haaland is placed as number 6 on the list. One? Robert Lewandowski.

The Bundesliga has only had time to play 13 rounds of the season, but Haaland has already scored ten league goals.

The Norwegian sensation that combines speed and strength is becoming increasingly sought after in the football world, and the question is how long Dortmund can keep the star.

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See Braut Haaland's goal show against Club Brugge.

Photo: Bildbyrån

On The Guardian's list, the best Swede is in place number 25: Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

The Swede has impressed a lot in Milan, which currently tops Serie A.

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Ibrahimovic with art goal that gave the victory to Milan Photo: TT Nyhetsbyrån

Number one on the list is Bayern Munich's Robert Lewandowski.

In the 2019-2020 season, he scored an incredible 55 goals in 47 club team matches, and this season he tops the shooting league in the Bundesliga.