Teller Report

Zakharova announced a "war of vaccines" against coronavirus in the world

12/24/2020, 6:33:58 PM

The "war of vaccines" against coronavirus infection in the world is already underway, the topic of COVID-19 has become politicized. This was stated in an interview with TASS by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

“Unfortunately, yes, the war of vaccines is already underway ... This is a war of all: the politicization of the covid topic has taken place.

Pandemic-related infodemic has occurred.

Part of this eerie reality is, of course, the war and vaccines, and everything connected with black PR in relation to Russian efforts or blocking information about Russian achievements, ”the diplomat said.

According to her, it is important to respond to disinformation, refute it and provide counter-arguments.

"(The strength of Russia. -


) is in the truth, as always, the truth about our achievements, about what we are doing," she stressed.

Zakharova said that she had seen in the Western press a lot of "rumors, speculation, outright nonsense" about the Russian vaccine.

"The war of vaccines is going on, but, I think, this is not a war of scientists, it is a war of politicians and those very fighters of the information front, with whom we are dealing on the pages of the mainly Western mainstream, they broadcast on TV and so on," she stressed.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry announced attempts to discredit the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. 

As Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban noted, the purchase of a Russian vaccine is a matter of healthcare, not politics.