Teller Report

The expert appreciated the statement of the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on the project with desalination of water in Crimea

12/24/2020, 7:53:47 PM

Vladimir Olenchenko, senior researcher at the Center for European Studies at the IMEMO RAS, commented on RT the words of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, who said that Kiev intends to interfere with the project with desalination of water in Crimea.

“Dmitry Kuleba builds his reputation as a diplomat precisely on Russophobia and builds on anti-Russian rhetoric and speeches.

There is no positive in his actions, no improvement in the situation of Ukraine in some matters, ”Olenchenko said.

In his opinion, Kuleba's words are intended to support the “anti-Russian spirit” among a part of the Ukrainian population. 

“We are on our territory, I mean Crimea, and we will build there what we need, when we need it,” the specialist added.

Earlier, Kuleba said that the Ukrainian side intends to interfere with the project with desalination of water in Crimea.

According to him, the Ukrainian authorities know that Russia will attract an international company for the construction of desalination plants in Crimea, so Kiev intends to figure it out and disrupt the project.

On December 22, the head of the republic, Sergei Aksyonov, announced that the construction of a desalination plant in Crimea would begin in January 2021 and would last for 14-16 months.

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