Teller Report

The "epidemic" holiday in Europe and the United States raises concerns about Christmas "employees" as high-risk professionals

12/24/2020, 11:23:47 PM December 25 (Bian Lei) "Dear Santa, I don’t want any Christmas gifts, but I want you to do me a favor: Can you find a cure for the new crown and give it to us, Save the world? Thank you.” Recently, Jonah from the United States finally sent a letter to Santa Claus. However, he did not make a wish to get his favorite gift as in previous years.   At present, the situation of the new December 25 (Bian Lei) "Dear Santa, I don’t want any Christmas gifts, but I want you to do me a favor: Can you find a cure for the new crown and give it to us, Save the world? Thank you.” Recently, Jonah from the United States finally sent a letter to Santa Claus.

However, he did not make a wish to get his favorite gift as in previous years.

  At present, the situation of the new crown epidemic in many countries around the world is becoming more and more severe, and the celebrations of Christmas and New Year in European and American countries have to "shrunk" or even be cancelled.

In these countries, the "workers"-"Santa Clauses", who only start work in December, have also become high-risk professionals and face the risk of spreading the virus.

On December 23, 2020, residents on both sides of a street in San Carlos, San Francisco Bay Area, United States, decorated the courtyard with various Christmas lights and decorations to welcome the arrival of Christmas.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Liu Guanguan

The Christmas gift children want is...

  Kimberley, a 13-year-old girl from Texas, USA, secretly made a wish for her parents in a letter to Santa Claus.

She hopes that parents can receive waterproof jackets and fitness equipment as their Christmas gifts.

  Due to the epidemic, Kimberley’s stepfather was unable to work full-time, and all his small salary was used to pay rent and bills.

She wrote in the letter: "I want to surprise them for what they have done this year."

  From the girl’s letter, it seems that we can see the impact of the epidemic on the economy.

The International Monetary Fund predicted in October that the global economy would decline by 4.4% in 2020, the most serious economic recession since the Great Depression in the 1930s.

The U.S. Department of Labor said on December 23 that the recovery of the U.S. job market is still stagnant, and more than 20 million Americans need assistance to make ends meet.

  The reality of the situation makes this year for the children quite difficult.

Many children cannot go to school or play outdoors with friends. They even have to endure starvation because of the interruption of the family's financial resources. They even have to watch their relatives die due to the new crown and bear the psychological shock.

"This epidemic has severely affected children," CNN pointed out.

  Lily from Maine is 11 years old this year. She said sadly in a letter to the "Santa Couple", "My grandfather passed away. Due to the new crown epidemic, I could not see him. I miss him and his embrace."

  "Sometimes, parents won't even mention these things, or don't talk to them (children) about the financial difficulties they face, but the children can see." Erlanger Turner, a clinical psychologist who specializes in childcare and child behavior in the United States Said.

At the same time, psychologists pointed out that the stressors of the epidemic are hurting children's mental health.

In the environment of extended social distance, children are suffering from emotions such as loneliness and anxiety.

On December 21, 2020, Moscow, Russia, the Christmas-themed train at the station started.

A total of 20 Christmas subway trains were launched in Moscow this year.

Image source: ICphoto

"Santa Claus" becomes a high-risk occupation

  Under such circumstances, will "Santa Claus" still come?

After writing the letter to "Santa Claus", the children began to look forward nervously.

  In mid-December, Maria van Kokhov, technical director of WHO's health emergency program, calmed the children’s emotions and said that although "Santa Claus" is old, he is still "immune to the new crown" at Christmas. Can travel around the world and distribute gifts.

  "We had a brief conversation with him, and he is in good condition." Kokhov said, but she emphasized that children should not forget to keep social distance with "Santa Claus."

  American infectious disease expert Fauci said more bluntly that he himself had vaccinated "Santa Claus" with the new crown, "you don't need to worry."

  However, behind telling white lies to children are health experts’ worries about the Christmas holiday or aggravating the epidemic.

Before Christmas, relaxation of vigilance and violation of epidemic prevention measures have caused many tragedies.

  In Belgium, a man dressed as "Santa Claus" was diagnosed with the new crown after visiting a nursing home. At that time, the nursing home also detected 75 people with the confirmed diagnosis, and 1 person died from the new crown. It is not ruled out that the outbreak is related to it; in Georgia, the United States State, two "Santa Clauses" were diagnosed one after another in mid-December, and only a few days ago, they hugged and took photos with more than 50 children...

On December 21, 2020, people visited the Christmas-themed decoration exhibition "Christmas in the Park" in a "drive speed" way at the San Jose Historical Park in California, USA.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Liu Guanguan

  "Almost all of us are old, almost all obese, almost all have some kind of health problems. Diabetes, breathing problems, you can think of it." 70-year-old Stephen Arnold said.

He is from Memphis, USA and has played "Santa Claus" for decades.

  Originally, “Santas” belonged to a high-risk group and were prone to contracting the new crown virus. Participating in festivals or going to major occasions may further aggravate the spread of the virus.

  Coupled with the recent discovery of more infectious mutant viruses in many countries around the world, the risk of the epidemic has increased sharply.

Many governments and health experts have urged people to avoid unnecessary travel during holidays.

"Unprecedented" Christmas

  In previous Christmas, the "Santa Claus Village" located in the snowy area of ​​the far north of Finland was already full of tourists.

Large numbers of tourists will go there to "look for" reindeer sleighs, snow castles and Santa Claus.

  But now, this winter’s "wonderful world" is no longer what it used to be, and the "Santa Clauses" are staying in stone huts and behind anti-epidemic rubber sheets, chatting about this year's "abnormalities and difficulties".

  In Germany, although some cities plan to hold a "reduced version" of Christmas markets, as the government tightened anti-epidemic measures on December 13, the lively scene of people watching the carousel and tasting wine and food in front of the market stalls no longer exists.

December 20, 2020 is the first day of the fourth-level lockdown measures in London, UK.

Christmas is approaching, and London presents a deserted and empty scene.

The picture shows the Apple Market in Covent Garden, London, is closed.

Photo by Zhang Mengqi issued by China News Service

  Christmas in the UK is even more difficult.

The spread of the mutated new crown virus was "out of control", and London and other places entered the highest level of epidemic prevention and control on the 20th, almost "closing the city."

It has become a luxury for people to reunite with their families across the city during the Christmas holidays.

  In France, some families have decided to "skip" Christmas and wait until July 2021 to celebrate.

Some people believe that by then, the weather will get warmer and people may have been vaccinated against the new crown.

  In addition, Italy will "partially close the city" to prevent the spread of the epidemic; South Korea has announced a number of special epidemic prevention measures for Christmas and New Year's Day holidays...

  As the British "Guardian" said in an article, "smaller and simpler celebrations may be the real gift for us."

While strengthening the fight against the epidemic and doing a good job of social isolation, vaccines are the gift people most need.


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