Teller Report

More than 21,500 new cases of Covid-19 in 24 hours in France

12/24/2020, 7:33:35 PM

But the positivity rate continues to decline Covid-19: more than 21,000 new cases of contamination in 24 hours (Archives) - FRED SCHEIBER / SIPA France has recorded 21,634 new cases of coronavirus contamination in the past twenty-four hours but the positivity rate is declining, according to figures from health authorities released on Thursday. The positivity rate, which measures the percentage of people positive for Covid-19 out of all thos

Covid-19: more than 21,000 new cases of contamination in 24 hours (Archives) -


France has recorded 21,634 new cases of coronavirus contamination in the past twenty-four hours but the positivity rate is declining, according to figures from health authorities released on Thursday.

The positivity rate, which measures the percentage of people positive for Covid-19 out of all those tested, was 3.8% on Thursday, after 4.3% on Wednesday and 4.4% on Tuesday.

This key indicator stood at 6.4% on December 8, when a new accounting method was introduced.

The test race before the holidays

The number of cases detected has been high in recent days, due in particular to a rush on tests before the family reunion at the end of the year.

Last week (latest data available), some 2.35 million tests were carried out, up more than 50% from the previous week, said Thursday the Drees, the statistical service of social ministries.

Nearly 300 deaths in hospitals

The Covid-19 has killed 292 people in hospitals in the past twenty-four hours (after 278 Wednesday) bringing the total death toll to 62,268 (including 43,073 in hospital) since the start of the pandemic, according to Public Health France.

Health authorities fear that the end of the year celebrations will lead to a rebound in the epidemic, by promoting social promiscuity.

In France, the first vaccines against Covid-19 will be administered on Sunday.

The French strategy plans to vaccinate as a priority the elderly in nursing homes and the workers of these residences presenting risk factors, that is to say approximately 1 million people.


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Coronavirus: Before the holidays, the number of tests on the rise

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