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Accents d'Europe - The European Union in the process of reforming its agriculture (Replay)

12/24/2020, 10:55:36 AM

For several months, the various European institutions have been working on a reform of the famous "common agricultural policy", the CAP. This program, which has yet to be adopted by the chefs ...

The European Union in full construction to reform its agriculture (Replay)

Mauro Ferrari, a former baker, began converting his farm to organic in May 2020.

© RFI / Frédérique Lebel

By: Léa-Lisa Westerhoff Follow

4 min

For several months, the various European institutions have been working on a reform of the famous "common agricultural policy", the CAP.

This program, which has yet to be adopted by the heads of state, is intended to be more respectful of nature.

The objective is to be climate neutral within 30 years in 2050, and this with a whole series of initiatives brought together in the Green Pact “the green deal”.

Review of key measures with Jérémy Audouard.  


Italy, 2nd largest organic exporter in the world 

Italy, she did not wait for the green pact to launch.

The country has become the leading European exporter of organic agro-food products.

In the world, Italy is just behind the United States, with two million hectares, or 15.5% of cultivated land that is organic.

What to arouse vocations, supervised by the largest agricultural union in the country, Coldiretti.

In the north of the country, in Lombardy,

Frédérique Lebel

met a young baker who chose to retrain and grow organic vegetables on the steep terrain of the Val Seriana Mountain. 

Mauro Ferrari.

© RFI / Frédérique Lebel

The new CAP is also the probable end of aid to the bullfighting community

In Spain, the time for the final blow to the bullfighting world may have come.

On October 21, 2020, MEPs voted for an amendment to remove aid from the common agricultural policy paid to bull breeders.

It is about 130 million euros!

According to environmental deputies, who defend the abolition of bullfighting, this aid is all the more shocking as it is intended for only three countries of the European Union: Spain, Portugal and France .

While for the 24 other EU member states, bullfighting is simply illegal.

Diane Cambon's


In England, as in France and Spain, when confinement was eased

In the United Kingdom, non-essential stores, gyms and hairdressers were able to reopen on Wednesday December 2, 2020, but in the meantime, at the end of November, the capital was almost deserted with pubs and restaurants closed, the famous

Black Cabs

, those black, bulging London taxis had no more customers and were paying a heavy price for the shutdown of the economy.

Some simply returned their car to the rental company.

Marie Billon.

A London taxi graveyard in Epping, on the outskirts of London.

200 vehicles not used since the start of the pandemic.

© Marie Billon

And we take you to music to visit a little corner of Europe with

Vincent Théval

and trans-europe express from Kraftwerk.

(Replay from November 30)


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  • European Union

  • PAC

  • Italy

  • Spain

  • United Kingdom

  • France

  • Transport

  • Confinement

  • Agriculture and Fishing

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