Teller Report

1311 new cases of "Corona" ... and 1495 cases of recovery

12/24/2020, 10:17:13 PM

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection announced that 138,914 new examinations were conducted during the past 24 hours on various groups in society, using the best and latest medical examination techniques, with the aim of early detection and counting cases infected with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) and their contacts,

Record two deaths from the virus

1311 new cases of "Corona" ... and 1495 cases of recovery

198 thousand and 435 cases, the total number of injuries recorded in the country.


The Ministry of Health and Community Protection announced that 138,914 new examinations were conducted during the past 24 hours on various groups in society, using the best and latest medical examination techniques, with the aim of early detection and counting the cases infected with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) and their contacts, and isolating them.

The intensification of investigation procedures and the expansion of the number of examinations, at the state level, contributed to the detection of 1311 new cases of the virus of different nationalities.

This brings the total number of registered cases to 198,435 cases.

The Ministry also announced the death of two people as a result of the repercussions of infection with the virus,

This brings the number of deaths in the country to 647 cases.

The ministry expressed its condolences to the families of the deceased, and its wishes for a cure for the injured.

And it called on community members to cooperate with health authorities and adhere to instructions, and adhere to social distancing, to ensure the health and safety of everyone.

The Ministry also announced that 1,495 new cases had been cured and fully recovered from symptoms of the disease.

Thus, the total number of recoveries is 174,479 cases.

The Ministry called on the community members to adhere to the precautionary measures.

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