Teller Report

United States: Joe Biden introduces Miguel Cardona, his Minister of Education

12/23/2020, 7:33:47 PM

With less than a month of his inauguration, Joe Biden continues to build his team. He has just introduced his Minister of Education. Miguel Cardona is a former teacher and a pure product of the…

United States: Joe Biden introduces Miguel Cardona, his Minister of Education

Miguel Cardona during his presentation by Joe Biden, here seen in the background on December 23, 2020 in Wilmington.

© AP - Carolyn Kaster

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2 min

With less than a month of his inauguration, Joe Biden continues to build his team.

He has just introduced his Minister of Education.

Miguel Cardona is a former teacher and a pure product of the American public school. 


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With our correspondent in New York,

Loubna Anaki

It was one of Joe Biden's campaign promises: to appoint someone to education who knows the issues, the difficulties and the reality of schools.

Miguel Cardona is a teacher.

He is 45 years old and becomes the second Hispanic Secretary of State to join the cabinet of the new president.


An easy and obvious choice

 ,” Joe Biden said.

The new minister, he recognized the challenge of education currently, with the coronavirus epidemic,

closed schools

, distance learning.

In recent months, he has handled the situation as an official in the Connecticut Department of Education.

Management praised by Joe Biden who believes " 

that the experience of Miguel Cardona will be put to the service of the country from January 20 to help the students and the teaching staff to overcome the difficulties of this year


The two men also spoke about student debt and inequalities in the education system.

The appointment of Miguel Cardona has been welcomed by the teachers' unions.

It must be said that his profile is the opposite of that of Betsy Devos, Minister of Education of Donald Trump, who defended the privatization of schools.

Miguel Cardona studied in public schools and worked his entire life in public.


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