Teller Report

Osama Heikal: Full control of the media is impossible

12/23/2020, 10:17:20 PM

The Minister of State for Information in Egypt, Osama Heikal, said that full control over the media has become impossible, and its role for economic and political influence has expanded, pointing out during a main session within the activities of the Arab Media Forum that the region’s developments cannot be confronted without the media to form awareness of pain

Osama Heikal: Full control of the media is impossible

Minister of State for Information in Egypt Osama Heikal.

From the source

The Minister of State for Information in Egypt, Osama Heikal, said that full control of the media has become impossible, and its role for economic and political influence has expanded, pointing out during a main session within the activities of the Arab Media Forum that developments in the region cannot be confronted without the media to form community awareness.

He added that the Arab world is facing a defining moment in the history of the Arab nation, as everyone grew up believing that the Arab nation is linked by unity, language, geography and common history, and the Arab world witnessed wars that lasted for many years, which were due to the Arab-Israeli conflict, which centered on the Palestinian issue, then he was surprised by the existence of Changes in the Arab world since 1990, when Iraq invaded the sister country Kuwait.

He pointed out that the Arab world is now experiencing the effects of the Corona pandemic, which forced all countries to hold public meetings through screens, noting that the rapid changes that have occurred during the past three decades are witnessed by our current generation with complete astonishment because of the speed of its development.

He stressed that the development of the media remains the most important one now in light of these changes, as media prevention has become impossible no matter what efforts are made by governments, and every person has his own media machine, and the space is filled with satellite channels and electronic applications that can greatly affect the political decision-making process Countries.

He stated that after the media had an enlightening, directive and entertaining role, the scope expanded to have a political and economic impact, and governments lost what was called full control over the media, and opened the door to the emergence of rumors and false and incomplete news that required radical changes in relation to the general view of the media, and the way to deal with it. He explained that the media must be developed and modernized to meet the social, psychological and cultural needs of the Arab people, by adopting plans that serve the recipient and take into account his right to information.

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