Teller Report

Russian Ambassador spoke about the Russian military in the CAR

12/21/2020, 8:04:15 PM

There are no other Russian military personnel in the Central African Republic, except for five employees of the Defense Ministry's office in Bangui, Russian Ambassador to the Republic Vladimir Titorenko said.

“Apart from five employees of the representative office of the Ministry of Defense of Russia at the Ministry of Defense of the Central African Republic in Bangui, there are no other Russian servicemen here.

But instructors work here who train the CAR army at the request of the government of this country.

They are periodically rotated.

And this is well known both to the UN Security Council and to the entire world community, ”the diplomat told RIA Novosti.

Another 14 Russian officers serve in the UN peacekeeping mission - MINURCA, Titorenko stressed.

As the agency writes, earlier the media reported that Russia allegedly sent additional military personnel to the CAR.

In October, Titorenko announced that Russia would consider sending additional military instructors to the Central African Republic.