Teller Report

Rospotrebnadzor told about the situation with coronavirus in St. Petersburg

12/21/2020, 8:34:09 PM

The head of the department of Rospotrebnadzor in St. Petersburg Natalia Bashketova on the air of the TV channel "78" spoke about the situation with coronavirus infection COVID-19 in the city.

“There is a heavy load on the inpatient network and the outpatient clinic network of St. Petersburg ... The situation is really tense.

But, however, it must be said that we are standing for the second week, we have stalled at high numbers - we have 3700-3800 cases of coronavirus infection registered daily.

The incidence rate is high - 70 per 100 thousand of the population, this is a daily indicator.

But we are not growing, this is already encouraging, ”RIA Novosti quotes Bashketova.

According to the headquarters data as of December 21, a total of 204,565 cases of coronavirus were detected in St. Petersburg, 119,002 people recovered, 6917 patients with COVID-19 died.

Sergei Kolesnikov, deputy of the State Duma of the III-V convocations, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of Russia, in an interview with the FAN, recalled the peculiarities of the coronavirus.

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