Teller Report

Lindelöf does not get rid of the pain: "Tough"

12/21/2020, 10:53:40 PM

Manchester United's Victor Nilsson Lindelöf has had back problems for several months - a pain that does not seem to let go. - It has been very tough, he says according to the Manchester Evening News.

Sweden and Manchester United's central defender has previously been forced to stand over international matches due to his sore back.

Now he tells for the first time how hard it has actually been and still is.

- I have been in a lot of pain and still have problems.

I work with it every day but the game schedule is very, very tight so it's mostly about having it under control, he says and continues:

- It has been tough, especially after the matches, but I try to be smart with it, he says according to the Manchester Evening News.

Tough game schedule awaits

Lindelöf is also said to have been close to missing Sunday's match against Leeds, partly due to his back but also due to a blow he received to the knee in last week's meeting with Sheffield United.

United will now play four matches in eleven days.

- I have had very big problems with my back before, but it was mostly in my early teens when I played hockey as well.

I had too strong butt muscles, he said during a national team gathering last autumn.

Lindelöf - one of the most played in the world

According to the analysis company CIES, Lindelöf is in seventh place over the most played minutes (4142) of all football players in the world by 2020. He has two teammates from United ahead of him: Bruno Fernandes in fourth place (4164) and then the number one on the list, Harry Maguire , who played a full 4745 minutes.