Teller Report

EU approves Pfizer vaccine... 40 countries are restricted from entering the UK

12/21/2020, 11:24:15 PM

We will also find out about Corona 19 outside the country. Following the UK and the US, the European Union has also officially approved the use of the Pfizer vaccine. Fear of a virus variant from the UK has forced more than 40 countries around the world to restrict entry from the UK.


We will also look at the news of Corona 19 outside the country.

Following the UK and the US, the European Union has also officially approved the use of the Pfizer vaccine.

Fear of a virus variant from the UK has forced more than 40 countries around the world to restrict entry from the UK.

Reporter Jeong-Hyun Jung reports.

<Reporter> The

European Commission has officially approved the use of the COVID-19 vaccine jointly developed by US pharmaceutical company Pfizer and German Bioentech.

It is expected that Pfizer vaccination will begin as early as the 27th in 27 EU-affiliated countries such as France and Germany.

[Ursula von der Reien/European Commission Commissioner: As we promised, the (Pfizer) vaccine will be provided simultaneously to all EU countries under the same conditions.]

Earlier, the European Medicines Agency sold for one year and 16 years. It has been approved for use subject to vaccination recommendations to citizens over the age of the day.

The European Union will also review approval for use of a US pharmaceutical company modder or vaccine on the 6th of next month.

Pfizer vaccine has already been approved for emergency use in at least 15 countries, including the UK and the US, and vaccination has begun in more than 5 countries.

In the UK, more than 500,000 people have already been vaccinated by Pfizer, but the emergence of a variant virus that is up to 70% more contagious than the existing virus is confused.

Over 40 countries, including Germany and Italy, as well as Europe, India and Hong Kong, have restricted entry from the UK.

The US state of New York has said it will only allow American passengers on flights from the UK who have tested negative.

Even with such a British blockade, strains of the virus have already been identified in Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy and Australia.

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