Teller Report

1106 marriage contracts between citizens of Dubai within 11 months

12/21/2020, 9:54:26 PM

Data published by the Dubai Statistics Center showed that the total number of marriage contracts registered in the emirate during the first 11 months of this year for an Emirati married to an Emirati reached 1,106 contracts, compared to 863 marriage contracts in the same period last year, with a growth rate of more than 28% According

1106 marriage contracts between citizens of Dubai within 11 months

Data published by the Dubai Statistics Center showed that the total number of marriage contracts registered in the emirate during the first 11 months of this year for an Emirati married to an Emirati reached 1,106 contracts, compared to 863 marriage contracts in the same period last year, with a growth rate of more than 28% .

According to the data issued by the Dubai Courts Department, and obtained by Emirates Today, marriage contracts for an Emirati married to an Emirati woman accounted for about 26.2% of the total number of 4,221 registered contracts in the emirate during the period between January and November last.

As for the total marriage contracts for an Emirati husband who is married to a non-Emirati, (including cases of Emirati women married to a non-Emirati), it amounted to 660 contracts (15.6% of the total contracts), compared to 644 contracts compared to the same period last year, with a decline of about 2.5%.

Regarding marriage contracts (non-Emirati and non-Emirati), it amounted to 2,455 contracts, which accounted for about 58.2% of the total contracts registered during the period between January and November last year, compared to 2,648 contracts in the same period last year, a decline of about 7%.

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