Teller Report

Corona: For the first time more than 5000 Covid-19 patients in intensive care units

12/20/2020, 12:03:40 PM

In Germany, 22,771 people tested positive for the coronavirus within one day, over 400 people died. The highest incidences are found in three districts in Saxony. An overview in graphics and numbers.


Within one day, the health authorities in Germany sent the

Robert Koch Institute

(RKI) 22,771 new cases.

That comes from RKI information from Sunday morning.

The maximum value with


reported infections was there on Friday, but it included around 3500 reported cases from the previous day.

Last Sunday the number was 20,200.

The health authorities also reported 409 new deaths within one day.

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The previous high of


deaths was reached on Wednesday.

The number of daily deaths had tended to go up recently, which was expected after the steep increase in new infections.

The total number of people who died with or with a proven infection with Sars-CoV-2 rose to 26,049.

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In total, the Robert Koch Institute has counted 1,494,009 detected infections with Sars-CoV-2 in Germany since the beginning of the pandemic.

It is estimated that around 1,097,400 people have now recovered.

The number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants (

7-day incidence


reported to the health authorities within seven days was given by

the RKI on Sunday as 192.2.

This is the highest level since the pandemic began.

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According to the RKI situation report from Saturday evening, the


seven-day R-value

was 1.06 (previous day: 1.05).

This means that 100 infected people theoretically infect 106 more people.

The value represents the occurrence of the infection eight to 16 days ago.

If it is below 1 for a long time, the infection process subsides.

According to the RKI, three Saxon districts have the

highest corona incidences nationwide


The Bautzen district was in the lead on Saturday with a seven-day incidence of 674.9.

This was followed by the district of Görlitz with 623.2 and the district of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains with 615.3.

The Bautzen district itself had already reported an incidence of 711 on Friday.

The values ​​differ due to different times for updating the statistics.

Saxony has been the state with the highest corona infection rates for weeks.

According to the RKI, the incidence increased from Friday to Saturday to 432.2 now.

That is more than twice as high as the national average.

More than 5000 Covid-19 patients in intensive care units


According to data from the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (Divi), more than 5000 Covid-19 patients are being treated in intensive care units for the first time.

The number has risen to 5011 (as of Sunday, 12 noon).

For comparison: 4927 patients were reported on Saturday.

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The level of utilization varies from region to region.

Divi President Uwe Janssens told the broadcaster NDR Info: If the number of corona cases continues to rise so strongly, a load limit could be reached in ten days at the latest.

Corona numbers in Europe


Northern Ireland

a six-week lockdown shall apply from 26 December.

The health system there is heavily burdened: In the past few days, TV recordings showed how patients were treated in ambulances in the parking lot of a Northern Irish hospital.


Portugal also

announces drastic virus containment measures at the turn of the year.

On New Year's Eve, there will be a curfew from 11 p.m., says Prime Minister Antonio Costa.

You have to stop the New Year's Eve celebrations completely.

There are also curfews on the first three days of January.

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Restrictions on public life were also issued




Health Minister Adam Niedzielski announced a lockdown for the period from December 28th to January 17th.

Then hotels, ski areas and shopping centers should close.

No new restrictions should apply at Christmas, but a curfew from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. over New Year's Eve.

Coronavirus numbers worldwide

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the

number of new infections in the


rose by 403,359 to around 17.391 million.

The number of deaths increases by 2,756 to 312,636.

The CDC's numbers may differ from the cases reported by individual states.

As the second country in the world after the USA,



exceeded ten million people infected with coronavirus.

That emerges from the data published on Saturday by the Indian Ministry of Health.

However, the increase in both the number of infected and the number of fatalities appears to be slowing.

According to the information, 27,022 new infections have been registered since Friday - the total number rose to 10,004,893.

The number of deaths rose by 338 to 144,789 within 24 hours.

According to official information, the number of corona deaths



has risen above the 50,000 mark.

After 585 new deaths, the number was 50,347 on Saturday, according to government authorities in Moscow.

In addition, there were 28,209 new infections.

According to media reports, however, the death rate from the Russian national statistical office was significantly higher than the government's figures.

Accordingly, the government continues to show only those cases in which Covid-19 is named as the cause of death.

Experts had stated that in many cases there was an infection with the coronavirus, but another cause of death was named on the death certificate.

According to a report in the newspaper “RBK”, the statistics office has temporarily stopped recording causes of death since April, but lists all deaths with corona infections.

Accordingly, the excess mortality in the pandemic is over 13 percent.

Despite the high numbers, there is no lockdown in Russia.

Thousands of people in

South Korea

are being tested for the corona virus in view of the increased number of new infections.

Long queues formed in front of the test centers in the greater Seoul area on Saturday, but the distance rules were observed.

South Korea, with its population of more than 51 million, reported 1,053 new cases on Saturday, the fourth day in a row that the number exceeded 1,000.

Of the 48,570 corona cases reported in South Korea since the pandemic began, almost 7,000 were from last week.

659 people died from or with the virus.

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