Teller Report

World Darts Championship: The Resurrection of Jamie Lewis

12/17/2020, 9:34:49 PM

Jamie Lewis suffered from anxiety and played a 57 average in October. His career seemed over. At the World Cup he was quickly 2-0 down - and started a furious comeback.


The fact that the Welshman is even at this 28th World Cup was seen as a big surprise by many.

In October he had documented how bad things were with an average of 57.7 on the European Tour.

Lewis was standing completely beside him, looking deranged and reporting anxiety.

The competitors worried about the 2018 World Cup semi-finalist, whose psychological problems arose in the following months and grew over the years.

“It got a little worse in the past few months, really started to creep up inside me.

But I am meeting and talking to the right people now.

It helps me a lot, ”said Lewis before his match against Luke Woodhouse.

Lewis turns the game upside down


"Fireball" was back against the furious Englishman with 0: 2, but swung up to a comeback that was no longer considered possible: 1: 2, 2: 2.

At the beginning of the fifth set he was unstoppable, played flawlessly and checked 100 points with two darts to win at 2: 1.

“I can only advise anyone struggling with mental health problems or thoughts of suicide to get help as soon as possible.

If someone had told me a few months ago that I would be there, I would have said they were crazy.

But I'm on the way back, ”said Lewis with a beaming face.

The 29-year-old now meets his compatriot Gerwyn Price in the second round.

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