Teller Report

"Not enough beds, please vacate the dormitory"... Gyeonggi University students puzzled

12/17/2020, 1:23:39 AM

As the number of mild or asymptomatic patients is increasing rapidly, there is an increasing shortage of life treatment centers where they stay. From today, Gyeonggi-do has converted a university dormitory into a treatment center, and voices of dissatisfaction came out because the room was vacated during the exam period.

<Anchor> The number of

mild or asymptomatic patients is increasing rapidly, and the life treatment centers where they stay are increasingly scarce.

Gyeonggi-do has converted a university dormitory into a treatment center starting today (17th), and voices of dissatisfaction came out because the room was vacated during the exam.

Reporter Ahn Sang-woo on the report.

<Reporter> This

is the dormitory building of Gyeonggi University that will be used as a life treatment center.

When you step inside, boxes filled with luggage of resident students are piled up, and students as well as their families are taking out their luggage.

Because everyone has to vacate the room.

Students who suddenly receive a'request to evict' in a situation where exams and classes continue, are bound to be embarrassed.

[Lee Cho-won/Returning student: (I) The two subject tests are over on this Friday, and the rest of the classes are still in progress, so I am moving in the middle of class.]

Some students had to run all day to find a new home, but Says it was an inevitable situation.

Gyeonggi life treatment centers already have more than 70% of confirmed patients, so only 420 patients can receive additional patients.

As it is now, if there are 200 to 300 confirmed patients a day, it will be filled within a few days.

[Kim Hong-guk/Gyeonggi Provincial Office Spokesman: Since the places I have been in contact with are public institutions, there are about 100 or 200 rooms.

However, if more than 300 people occur a day, there are not many places to digest...


However, mobilization of facilities without sufficient notice or notice is bound to be burdensome.

[Lee Dong-hun/Former H1N1 Flu Countermeasure Committee member of the Korean Medical Association: It is said that even the existing medical institutions have not yet received compensation.


Experts advise that you should consult with private hospitals, companies, and organizations in advance to ensure a smooth bed.