Teller Report

Peter Nygard: The party developed into an "orgy", describes the German plaintiff

12/16/2020, 6:24:26 PM

He made millions with fashion, but apparently ran his company like a sex ring: dozens of women, some underage, accuse Peter Nygard of having raped them on an estate in the Bahamas. A German is also among the plaintiffs.

Like a fortress made of wood and glass, Peter Nygard's mansion towered over the palm tree tops of the Bahamas.

The Finnish-Canadian fashion entrepreneur had created his own pirate castle.

In 2009, Nygard was one of the richest men in the country, according to Canadian media.

His net worth was estimated at over $ 800 million.

Born in Helsinki in 1941, the entrepreneur achieved world fame with several clothing lines - and his own boutique in New York's Times Square.

But much suggests that his pirate castle was more than just a symbol of extravagance.

Because if you follow the indictment of the New York Public Prosecutor's Office, Nygard, now 79, has been just that for decades: a privateer who took what he wanted.

Regardless of law and morality.