Teller Report

International guest - Covid-19: "Norway, Iceland and Ireland have significantly reduced their incidence rate"

12/16/2020, 4:33:54 PM

New restrictions are being put in place in several European countries to try to stop the second wave of Covid-19 as the end of the year holidays approach. After the Netherlands yesterday, the Germany ...

Covid-19: "Norway, Iceland and Ireland have significantly reduced their incidence rate"

Audio 06:03

Dubliners in the streets of the capital, some of them masked due to the coronavirus pandemic, September 18, 2020. Paul Faith / AFP

By: Jean-Baptiste Marot Follow

7 min

New restrictions are being put in place in several European countries to try to stop the second wave of Covid-19 as the end of the year holidays approach.

After the Netherlands yesterday, Germany, Denmark and the UK are taking new steps today.

For its part, the WHO fears a high risk of a 3rd wave in the EU at the beginning of next year.


Update on the situation in Europe with Professor Bruno Hoen, director of medical research at the Institut Pasteur and former head of the infectious and tropical diseases department at the CHU de Nancy. 


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