Teller Report

Infrared cameras record wildlife in Longxi Mountain, Fujian Province

12/16/2020, 2:14:38 PM

  Located in Jiangle County, northwestern Fujian Province, Longxi Mountain National Nature Reserve has a representative natural ecosystem and natural landscape. It is also known as "Bird's Paradise", "Natural Botanical Garden", and "Gene of Rare and Endangered Wild Animals" Library". In the winter, the forests in the Longxi Mountain National Nature Reserve are full of forests, like a beautiful pic

  Located in Jiangle County, northwestern Fujian Province, Longxi Mountain National Nature Reserve has a representative natural ecosystem and natural landscape. It is also known as "Bird's Paradise", "Natural Botanical Garden", and "Gene of Rare and Endangered Wild Animals" Library".

In the winter, the forests in the Longxi Mountain National Nature Reserve are full of forests, like a beautiful picture; the sunrise and the sea of ​​clouds are magnificent.

  In order to better monitor and protect the rare and wild animals, in 2019, the Longxishan Administration has placed more than 50 infrared cameras in the deep forest. For more than a year, it has clearly recorded small deer, macaque, white pheasant, and yellow pheasant. Protected animals such as belly horned pheasant and black bear.

In recent years, Longxishan National Nature Reserve has continued to increase ecological protection and promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

(Wu Shengwei and Dong Guansheng)

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】

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