Teller Report

In Lyon, the massive screenings launched by the region are starting smoothly

12/16/2020, 4:05:46 PM

The massive screening campaign led by Laurent Wauquiez, LR president of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, begins this Wednesday in 2,600 centers mobilized in the territory

During a PCR test in Lyon, as part of the massive screening campaign organized by the region until December 23.


E. Frisullo / 20 Minutes

  • The massive screenings carried out by Laurent Wauquiez, LR president of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, begin this Wednesday throughout the region.

  • Place Carnot, where an ephemeral center was set up for a week at the exit of the station, there was not yet a crowd.

  • "20 Minutes" went to meet some Lyonnais who took the step to be tested to protect their loved ones at Christmas.

This Wednesday mid-morning, there is a crowd in the center of Place Carnot in Lyon.

Around a large white tent set up close to Perrache station, onlookers came to see what is happening, journalists are present like many elected officials.

The suspense ends quickly upon the arrival of President LR of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region Laurent Wauquiez, on the ground to launch his campaign of massive Covid-19 screening.

An operation whose relevance is questioned by the mayors of Lyon and Villeurbanne and criticized by the opposition of Wauquiez, who sees this as another opportunity for the politician to occupy the field from the perspective of the Regional.

But under the tent, once the few elected officials have been encouraged to come and be tested passed into the hands of caregivers, the controversy seems far from public concerns.

"The people of the region were persuasive"

“I came to lead by example.

The test is not a guarantee, but knowing that you are positive allows you to isolate yourself and avoid infecting your family during the holidays ”, underlines Pauline, a mother who came to do the PCR test with her. son.

In one of the three boxes installed by the Eurofins laboratory, in charge of screening at the exit of Perrache and the Part-Dieu station, Gerald, 71, landed here almost by chance.

“I was leaving the dentist and I ran into people from the region in the street who convinced me to get tested.

But, apart from my age, I have no reason to be screened, ”says this septuagenarian.

This Lyonnais has no symptoms of Covid-19 and has no plans for family reunions for the holidays.

“But the locals were persuasive,” he smiles.

It's not so bad.

Before going to families, people have to get tested.

We will have to find a solution to get through this period and stop spreading this virus ”.

December 16, 2020, place Carnot in Lyon.

The massive Covid-19 screening campaign launched by Laurent Wauquiez is not yet attracting a crowd.

- E. Frisullo / 20 Minutes

Like him, this Wednesday morning, 80 people came to be screened in Perrache, where the laboratory staff expect to see the queues lengthen this weekend.

“This morning, I had to stop for two minutes.

But we have time.

Friday and Saturday, we risk having people because it is the last weekend before Christmas, ”said Sarah, a nursing assistant recruited and trained for a few months in PCR tests.

Privileged screenings for their reliability, and carried out near stations, in high schools and supermarkets.

“And then people get tested as they walk past the tent.

They do not have time to wait 20 minutes for the result of an antigen test, ”adds the young woman.

"The test is by no means a sesame"

These rapid response tests of disputed effectiveness, of which two million doses have been ordered by the Region, will be used in the itinerant buses that will crisscross the villages for a week, in pharmacies or even medical homes participating in the campaign. 'surgery.

A campaign to which people who have come to be tested necessarily adhere, convinced however that this is not enough.

“The test is by no means a sesame, I repeat it every day.

It helps isolate people who do not know they are sick and thus prevent further contamination, ”adds Hervé Lelièvre, medical biologist and director of the Eurofins CBM69 laboratory.

Tatiana nods.

“I want to be sure that I don't put my family at risk.

The screening, performed here in both nostrils, is really not pleasant.

But that's the only way you can be sure of not being sick and keeping your pockets, ”underlines this 40-year-old, decided to give up her Christmas with the family in the event of a positive result.

"And if I am negative, that will not prevent me from paying attention to barrier gestures", she promises.

For this Lyonnaise as for the people screened on Wednesday, the result should be known within 24 to 48 hours and sent to Social Security, associated with the campaign.

In front of the ephemeral center, Laurent Wauquiez is all smiles.

“These people are people who wouldn't have pushed open the door of a lab.

I repeat, participating in this civic initiative is one more protection, ”he emphasizes, satisfied to announce that in several high schools and CFA, cases have been detected thanks to this campaign.

Coronavirus: Lyon and Villeurbanne rely on the scientific council to tackle the massive screenings of Wauquiez via @ 20minutesLyon

- 20 Minutes Lyon (@ 20minuteslyon) December 15, 2020

15,000 people mobilized in the region

"In a CFA in the Loire, out of 100 tests, 15 asymptomatic students were diagnosed positive at the end of last week," assures President LR.

These are viral bombs, because they will infect 20, 30, 40 people.

Thanks to the campaign, they are informed and they will be careful.


It remains to be seen whether beyond this first morning launch, this 19 million euro campaign, which will mobilize 15,000 people across the region, will receive the support of a wider public.

According to some members of the regional opposition, Laurent Wauquiez's initial objective of reaching two to four million inhabitants in one week has already been seriously revised downwards.


Coronavirus: Lyon and Villeurbanne rely on the scientific council to tackle the massive screenings of Wauquiez

  • Screening

  • Lyon

  • Covid 19

  • Laurent Wauquiez

  • Coronavirus

  • Health