Teller Report

Health will ask the autonomies to tighten the measures at Christmas

12/16/2020, 12:35:18 PM

Given the rise in the figures that the whole of Spain has experienced since last Monday, the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System will debate this afternoon the pos

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Given the rise in the figures that the whole of Spain has experienced since last Monday, the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System will debate this afternoon the possibility of taking new containment measures that avoid a 'third wave', which could reach our country before having finished with the second.

According to the proposal that Health will put on the table, to which EL MUNDO has had access, it will ask the autonomies to consider applying "more restrictive measures and criteria" regarding the four mandatory points that were agreed on on December 2. , in full decline in cases.

Several communities, however, have experienced an upturn in recent days, which has boosted the incidence in the whole of Spain to reach again the 200 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days.

The change in the epidemiological situation is compounded by the fact that other European countries have recently announced restrictive measures that are clearly more restrictive than those agreed two weeks ago by the Interterritorial Council.

This same week, for example,

both Germany and the Netherlands closed schools


The four points of the previous agreement on whose toughening is now being debated are the following:

perimeter confinement of the autonomies


lunches and dinners on Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years Eve and New Years are limited to

a maximum of 10 people


on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, the curfew cannot be delayed

beyond 01:30


and events "with a high number of people"

are banned


Pedro Sánchez, President of the Government, has advanced this morning in Congress: "This Christmas, what is decided is

whether we avoid this third wave of coronaviruses

and be able to connect with vaccination."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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